Week 4 Story, The Lion King

Roooaaaarr ! Yells Harold the almighty Lion King of The Jungle of Eden.

                                                  Image Information: King Harold roaring

The King of the Jungle silenced all the creatures near and far. His strength and power trembles the Earth when he roars. He earned his roar over the Kingdom by providing the Fountain of Health to the animals who were plagued by sickness and death. These animals now have freedom from sickness and diseases and for that the Lion King received immeasurable strength and power. Whomever confronts him with the desire to fight and defeat him is plagued with terrible diseases for the rest of their lives.

Milo, the King of Elephants and brother of Harold approached him and said, " Brother, there is an evil one that is challenging you. He goes by the name Razor. He will be here before dawn."

Harold replies, "That is unfortunate for him does he not know any better?"

"Apparently not, brother"

Once in the presence of King Harold, Razor becomes frightened and flees away in fear but Harold does not let him off that easy, he runs after him and tells Milo to watch the Kingdom.

Razor and Harold was gone like the wind and Milo turned on his brother. Milo always secretly envied  his brother Harold because of his gift of strength and power. He knew the only way to take away his power wast to poison the Fountain of Health. He traveled over 600 miles to reach a chemical plant where he stole gallons of sulfuric acid to pour into the fountain. Once he reached the jungle he immediately went to the fountain to pour the sulfuric acid.

The Giraffes asked,"What are you doing? You will plague all the animals with sickness and death"

Milo replies, " It is not my wishes, King Harold ordered me to"

In awe to Milo's response the Giraffes sun and tell the animals of the Kingdom. All the animals cried and weeped loudly. The cried so loudly King Harold heard it miles away and shot an arrow with his great strength across many miles and killed his brother just as he was about to pour the sulfuric acid.


BibliographyNarayan's Ramayana, Link to Reading

Authors Note: I decided to retell the story of Sugreeva, I portrayed Sugreeva as Milo in my story. He is the brother of Vali and in my story the brother of Harold who is playing Vali in my story. I wanted to reproduce the strength that Vali shows in Sugreevas story through King Harold. I did his last show of strength by him killing his brother with an arrow across many miles.


  1. Taylor,

    Your introduction paragraph/first paragraph for this story was incredible. Not only did it instantly grab my attention, but it kept it there and took me throughout your entire story. You are also incredibly descriptive in this paragraph, but at the same time it makes me very curious about the creature because you do not give every single possible detail. I also found it amazing how well you tied in the original story to this. You original story is one that I have previously read, so I was actually very familiar with this tale. When I first began to read the first paragraphs, one of the reasons I was so intrigued by it because of how much it differed from the original piece. Then, you were able to mesh them together so nicely that you felt certain parts were straight from the original and certain parts were all your own creative doing. Overall, I found your story very interesting and truly cannot find anything to critique. If anything, make your authors note longer and more detailed so that people who have not read the story before will feel as if they have and experience your retelling the way that I did.

  2. I agree with Kayleigh, the introductory paragraph really grabbed my attention. The image also gives an incredible vivid image on just how powerful King Harold is, and fits in perfectly with your description of such. I enjoyed how you took this part of the story and got straight to the point. You didn't include each and every little detail and string it out. The ending was alarming, he shot his own brother with an arrow. But, this ties so well to the original with the similarities. Anyways, great job! Good luck to you this semester and in the future!

  3. Taylor,

    Like Chelle and Kayleigh, I really enjoyed your introductory paragraph as it grabbed my attention. My first thought was that it was based on the story of Vali and Sugriva, but I definitely appreciated your spin. I could also see your creativity with the sulfuric acid and chemical plant. I do wonder what happened between Razor and Milo as it seems they were gone for quite a long time.

    I enjoyed your story and look forward to reading more!

  4. Hi Taylor,

    I really enjoyed this story. I liked that you combined your source story of Vali and Sugriva with The Lion King, which I feel like most people are familiar with. I loved your introduction paragraph with the description of the Lion King and the fountain of health. Also I really liked the character names for some reason. I just thought they were really fun names. Well done! I look forward to reading more of your work!


  5. Taylor,

    Great job telling this story as I love that you use the lion king in your writing. I was on a plane the other day and watched the lion king even though I am in college now. It is such a classic and Ill always be down to watch that movie. I like how you combined these stories in your own way as I think it is great that you put your own spin on these classics.


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