Reading Part A: 7 Secrets from Hindu Calendar Art Chp. 1

The beginning of this video starts off by showing an image of Shivas family. Shiva was known as a mountain mendicant. His wife is the Goddess Parvati who is a mountain princess. They had two children one named Ganesha who has a head of an Elephant and Kartikeya who holds a spear. While watching the video I could not help but to wonder why Kartikeya was holding a spear and why Ganesha head is a head of an elephant. Like the video says, some may find it hard to accept that hindus have different gods and goddesses. I think it is weird that the gods and goddesses have different physical characteristics, such as the elephant head and four arms. I also agree with what the video was saying about Hinduism and their different gods. I don't understand how they worship so many different gods but that it is normal to them because that is all they know.

As I was listening to the video, I wondered what is the significance behind a mango. The mango is what Kartikeya and Ganesha raced around the world for. In my retelling of the this video I am going to research the significance or symbolism behind a mango and have the children race for that symbolism.

Bibliography: 7 Secrets


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