Week 13 Story telling: Who's the King?

It was Senior year at Chocolate High, two weeks before Prom night. I was not at all in any way apart of the popular crowd but I had a few good friends, teammates and of course some haters. There was always typical High School drama. How could there not be drama with the different clicks in High School. There were the blacks, whites, hispanics, athletes, band geeks, cheerleaders and many more. The few weeks before prom, the tension was rising. I can remember there was  great excitement too because there was  not always a prom night at Chocolate High. My senior year was the first year Chocolate High had a prom. The three other High schools had prom nights for years but Chocolate High did not. They said Chocolate High used to have a prom night but it caused so much drama that they stopped having prom night. Therefore, everyone was so excited to find out who will be Prom King and Queen. I was also excited but I knew I would never be selected to be on Prom court. However, it actually happened! I was not handsome at all. I was so surprised because when people picture a Prom King. They see this tall, muscular and handsome person. Not someone who is tall, lanky and crazy about chocolate. I remember there was many people from different cliques who were being negative towards me. There was an incident at lunch, I can remember it like yesterday. It was actually the last day to cast your votes for Prom King and Queen. I was sitting down at the lunch table and someone who always was rude to me yelled out, "I do not want Willy Wonka to be Prom King! Look at him! He is ugly, tall and lanky!". Of course everyone laughed. My feelings were so hurt. What made it so bad is that he did not stop at that statement alone he continued and said, "Chocolate High should not have such an ugly King!". Unfortunately, I was not chosen as King but it was a cool experience being on the court.

Authors Note: I wanted to recreate the Jatakas Tale "Why the Owl is Not King of the Birds". This story reminded me of a high school setting during prom week. The owl and crow did not like each other in the original story. Therefore, the owl did not become king because the crow did not want a "sour-looking" king. In the story I wold I had Willy Wonka play the owl. I was sad that even in the original story that the owl did not become king because of how he looked. I kept the story line the same. However, I just added a background story to the story. In my experience with High School, it is filled with drama, excitement and hurt feelings. That is what I wanted to show in this retelling of the story,


  1. Hey Taylor.
    I thought it was really interesting how you mixed Willy Wonka, a high school prom, and the story together. I like how your author’s note explained the original story well. All in all, it was a really good story. I hope you have a good rest of the semester and I wish you good luck on your finals.

  2. Taylor,

    Really cool story here as I think you did a great job of making it your own. That is one thing I have tried to do in this class is make every story my own writing but keep the meaning behind it the same. I think you did a great job of that with this story. I love the willy wonka aspect to it as I think that adds some fun to a good story. Have a great rest of the semester and enjoy your break while you can.

  3. Hi Taylor!

    I really liked reading your story. I never would have thought to mix think Jataka tale with Willy Wonka, or a high school prom for that matter. I think your combination worked great for your story. I also thought the image that you picked matched your theme so well and was really strange and funny. Great job and I look forward to reading more of your work!


  4. Hi Taylor,

    This is a really great story. You did a really good job of taking the original story and making it into something more relatable and interesting for the reader. I really like the characters you chose and you did a great job of developing throughout the story. Great work this semester!


  5. Hey Taylor!

    I really liked the story of Willy Wonka to begin with, so I think your decision to mix it with the themes of high school prom really made it relatable. While I did not see the relation to Indian Epics at first, I realized that the way you manipulated the story based on the Jataka Tale at hand was super creative. Great story!

  6. I think adding Willy Wonka into your story was a really neat twist, and I'm excited to see that you did that in other stories too! Making stories more relatable to the modern public is a great technique to use if you want to make your story stand out, and yours usually do! I thought it was creative to add the element of high school as well, since the drama fits well.


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